June 17, 2009


Handmade from polymer clay, metal hardware and metallic powders and standing aprox 3 inches tall. The Motherbots are out and on display. I hope that you love them as much as I do! All of them are for sale and I am also making custom robots for those of you who desire them!

MotherBots are here!

The first official MotherBots are here!

June 7, 2009

Cupcakes and Robots and Cookies OH-MY!

I'm bouncing back and forth from Robots to cookies, cupcakes and sundaes. I can't sleep. I only dream while swimming in pools of polymer frosting. 
I need to clean out my Etsy shop www.mothermayi.etsy.com (hint*hint) so I can buy some more supplies. My metallic powders should be arriving Tuesday and I can't wait. I have SO MUCH to show you!!!

May 31, 2009

Mr. Roboto

I have become obsessed. Love... Hate... Marriage... War... Robots have no emotion. They feed off of what we tell them to do. It all started with a button I saw in a book store. A smiling cute little Robot. He meant no harm... but he has created a monster. My first blog and my first Robots...if you don't count that one adorable Robot I made out of my dad's PVC Pipe I found in the shed in 3rd grade...